Grade 3 to 5

English Curriculum

Reading Skills 3-5

  • Read and finish a variety of reading materials including beginning chapter books, read aloud with fluency, self-correct for meaning, and read silently for up to 30 minutes
  • Use technology to find information; follow written directions
  • Participate in small group literature discussions, connect own experiences with facts, characters and situations in stories; and identify chapter title and table of contents
  • Build vocabulary by reading, use sentences to determine meaning and point of view
  • Read medium level chapter books; read aloud with expression and read independently for up to 40 minutes
  • Identify different genres (realistic fiction, historical fiction, nonfiction, etc.)
  • Summarize a stories plot, setting and characters and be able to respond to issues of literature as well as facts or story events
  • Use technology by using pull-down menus, icons, etc. for a resource to locate and sort information
  • Gather information from graphs, charts, tables and maps

Language Arts Skills 3-5

  • Write in complete sentences and write with a central idea organized in a logical sequence using some descriptive words; use technology to write
  • Revise own work by adding description and detail and edit work for punctuation, spelling and grammar; set goals
  • Write legibly moving beyond phonetic spelling toward conventional spelling
  • Write with clear beginning, middle and end as well as use paragraphs to organize ideas using a variety of sentence forms
  • and lengths; begin using dialogue and interesting language
  • Read, summarize and analyze own writing and begin to improve writing from critiques
  • Use technology to produce written work and revise to enhance detail and description as well as edit for punctuation, spelling and grammar
  • Accurately spell common words for 4th graders and correctly use basic punctuation

Math Curriculum

Number Applications:

  • Number representations
  • Compare and order numbers
  • Use place-value models to read, write, and represent numbers to 10,000
  • Whole Number: Addition & Subtraction  (modeling regrouping and borrowing)
  • Whole Number: Multiplication and Division (use bar models to represent multiplication and division situations)
  • Determine the missing parts (quantities or symbols) in number sentences.
  • Estimation and mental Math (use mental Math and estimation strategies to find sums, differences, products, and quotients)
  • Identify and describe patterns

Fraction Concepts, Operations & Applications:

  • Compare fractions using models and number lines
  • Add and subtract fractions
  • Identify equivalent fractions through the use of models, multiplication, division, and number lines
  • Generate equivalent fractions
  • Finding the simplest form of fractions
  • Compare and order fractions
  • Add and subtract mixed numbers

Decimal Concepts, Operations & Applications:

  • Relate fractions and decimals
  • Compare decimals
  • Add and subtract decimals

Collect, Classify, Organize, Represent, Interpret & Analyze Data:

  • Collect and organize data in bar graphs and line plots
  • Interpret tally tables, frequency tables, bar graphs, and picture graphs


  • Read and tell the time to the nearest minute
  • Find elapsed time

Lines and Angles:

  • Identify perpendicular  and parallel lines
  • Identify obtuse, acute, right and straight angles
  • Construct angles ( with a protractor) and measure angles

Science Curriculum

For grades 3 to 5 of K-5 , The Science Fusion Write-in Work text has designed to strengthen students’ literacy skill to provide support for learners on, above, and below grade-level reading and preparing our students as scientific thinkers by implementing STEM lessons and labs, using animations and videos, video-based projects, and formative assessments.


Arabic Subjects Curriculum:

Since its establishment, the school has been keen to attach the utmost importance to the curriculum of the classes from the preliminary and even through the application of the ministerial curriculum for Arabic language materials, Islamic education and social studies.
And aims to develop various aspects of the personality of the learner  comprehensive development of psychological, social and cultural in the framework of the principles of Islamic faith and the components of Omani identity.