Grade 1 to 2

English Curriculum

Reading Skills

  • Identify upper and lower case letters, their sounds and names
  • Recognize names and words in context; read own name, read picture icons to select computer programs
  • Join in familiar stories, songs & poems
  • Connect books read aloud to experiences
  • Put three events in sequence using pictures, use illustrations to tell stories, begin to make meaningful predictions
  • Read books with simple patterns using phonics, meaning, and picture cues
  • Read independently for short periods of time and point to words as she/he reads
  • Retell a story with approximate sequence and identify main characters
  • Begin to build sight word vocabulary
  • Read simple then more difficult early-reader books and read independently for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Identify basic genres (fiction, nonfiction, poetry)
  • Retell the main idea of a story and participate in group discussions
  • Use basic punctuation when reading orally, notice own errors and begin correcting own mistakes
  • Read words using consonant blends; identify compound words and understand the meaning of contractions

Language Arts Skills K-2

  • Print letters, pretend to read own writing, see self as a writer
  • Copy names and familiar words including own first name
  • Use pictures and print to convey meaning
  • Write names and favorite words and understand the connection between letters and sounds
  • Generate ideas for writing including using patterns and ideas from stories
  • Use beginning & ending sounds & vowel sounds to make words by matching letters to sounds & spelling based on letter sounds
  • Begin to use spacing between words, experiment with capital letters, punctuation and spelling
  • Begin to read own writing
  • Write recognizable short sentences related to a main idea
  • Begin to revise writing by expanding on an idea, using word choice with author's voice and editing for punctuation
  • Write from top to bottom; left to right; use spacing between words
  • Spell words appropriate to second grade
  • Use phonetic spelling to write independently

Math Curriculum

Number Applications:

  • Learning how to write and read numbers from 1 to 120
  • Counting by ones
  • Extend counting sequences within 1,000 counting by 1s, 5s, 10s, and 100s
  • Writing 2-digit and 3-digit numbers in expanded form
  • Use doubles facts as a strategy for finding sums for near doubles facts
  • Model 2-digit addition with regrouping
  • Model 2-digit and 3-digit subtraction with borrowing and breaking apart
  • Number Comparison (greater than and less than)


  • Tell the time to the nearest 5 minute
  • Tell the time with A.M. and P.M.


  • Measurement in metric units and customary units
  • Comparing Lengths


  • Identify two and three-dimensional shapes according to the number of faces, edges, and vertices

Collect, Classify, Organize, Represent, Interpret & Analyze Data

  • Collect and organize data in bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots
  • Interpret tally tables, frequency tables, bar graphs, and picture graphs

Part of a Whole:

  • Identify and describe one equal part as a half or a third or a fourth of a whole

Science Curriculum

For grade 1 and 2 of K–5, The American education period from kindergarten to fifth grade, of our school has its own Student’s Edition of Science Fusion books with three different modules including Life science (First semester ), Earth science (Second semester) and Physical science (Second semester). Science fusion books develop literacy skills, student’s need to be engaged in active reading and interacting with the content.


Arabic Subjects Curriculum:

Since its establishment, the school has been keen to attach the utmost importance to the curriculum of the classes from the preliminary and even through the application of the ministerial curriculum for Arabic language materials, Islamic education and social studies
and aims to develop various aspects of the personality of the learner  comprehensive development of psychological, social and cultural in the framework of the principles of Islamic faith and the components of Omani identity